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Mikah Meyers

If you’re confused why many of my publications say “Mikayla Meyers” that would be because I am a trans writer with a remarkably long paper trail with my dead-name. I graduated from Susquehanna University in the winter of 2018 with a triple-major bachelor’s in Creative Writing, English Literature, and Publishing & Editing. I came out as trans just toward the end of 2023, hence my author-name crisis. I have always been queer, and so most of my work represents the LGBTQ+ experience in some way. Since graduation, I have worked a handful of years in the mental health industry and still do to this day. I am passionate about mental health and love to use my creative works to highlight experiences in mental health care. While I am a writer, I am also a growing comic artist! Being a comic artist has always been my dream until finally I said, “screw it, let’s do this.” I create comics under the name LordWhalePig on various platforms. I am a person still growing into their skin, so I’m sure many changes are to come, but regardless, thanks for being along for the ride. 

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